10 Ways You Can Get Prepared During National Preparedness Month



10 Ways You Can Get Prepared During National Preparedness Month

Though I talk about getting prepared all year long, I love National Preparedness Month because it puts extra emphasis on getting and staying prepared for whatever may come our way.

During the month of September, I’d love to see people focusing on a few very easy ways to be more empowered to take on an emergency or disaster. Whether you’re just beginning or you’ve been doing it a while, we can always get back to basics as well as learn new things.

Here are 10 ways we can get prepared during this month and beyond:

Make an emergency disaster plan

This is often forgotten about but it’s an integral part of preparedness. Though we all know plans often go sideways, making an emergency disaster plan helps you build a foundation and feel more confident to take action during a crisis.

Be sure to sit down with the household to make this plan. Add details like:

  • Where will you meet up?
  • What type of alternative communication will you use?
  • Where will you bug out if you need to?
  • What are the nearby emergency services and numbers?

Have plenty of options and alternatives for each. But again, of course, even the best laid plans will go sideways, but this is a foundation which can give you ideas and help you be as prepared as you possibly can be.

Food & Water

What do you eat normally? Store that! Each time you’re at the grocery store, grab a few extra non-perishable food items and a couple gallons of water. This is an easy way to quickly stock up on food and water without breaking the bank or your available storage.

Inventory Regularly

Keep an up-to-date inventory list, this can help you find any gaps you may be missing in your preps. Instead of sifting through your preps everyday to see what you might be missing or don’t have enough of or maybe what needs to be rotated, you can simply look at your inventory. The other day I was looking at my inventory and realized I didn’t have nearly as much wheat berries and I thought I did, so I was able to fix it quickly, just by looking at a list.

List of Skills

I love lists so I highly encourage you to make a list of skills you want to learn. Once you have your list, head to the internet or a book and get started on a skill. Make a goal to do one new skill a month or practice an existing skill once a month.

Fire Safety

Check your carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors and fire extinguisher. Brush up on your fire extinguishing knowledge. How do you put out a grease fire (hint: baking soda!)? How do you put out an electrical fire? Of course, prevention is also important, but things happen and it’s good to be prepared for them with knowledge and items we need. In addition, if you live in a wildfire area, search for emergency routes in your area, make a fire line around your home, get rid of dead brush around your home and so on.

Physical and Mental Wellness

Something that is often overlooked about preparedness is your physical and mental wellness. If your mind and body aren’t in the best shape they can be, then everything else can go to the way-side. Nobody is saying you have to be in perfect shape or perfect mental health, but we can always be a work in progress. Get out for a walk everyday, do some yoga, practice meditation, control your emotions, think positively. These can all have positive affects on your overall wellness, and especially when it comes to a stressful crisis.

Personal & Home Security

Take an assessment of your personal and home security. Do you practice situational awareness everyday? Do you carry any personal defense items and train with them regularly? Do you have motion sensor lights or security cameras at home? How about trimming those bushes in front of your home to make it harder for people to hide? Spend some time each month to practice and go over your safety and security.


What hygiene items do you use regularly? Stock up on those! Also think about alternative types of toilet options in case the lights go out and it’s difficult to flush the toilet (yes you can pour water in the back of a tank to flush it, but why waste that precious recourse on flushing a toilet?). What about taking a shower or bath during lights out and the water isn’t running? How about some rinse-free soap? Lots of hygiene options to consider.

Bug In Supplies

Are you ready to stay indoors for any amount of time? What if the lights go out? Do you have flashlights, batteries, candles, board games, alternative cooking and alternative heating or cooling options? How about a first aid kit? Think about your everyday life and figure out solutions for staying indoors, with or without electricity during different seasons.

Bug Out Supplies

Evacuating is a very real instance and happens to many people during wildfires, hurricanes and much more. Do you have a bug out bag for everyone in your household? Do you have your emergency disaster plan setup? Do you have alternative communication? Do you have extra gas cans? Do you know where you’ll bug out to? Do you have extra food and water to take with you?

Getting prepared is as simple as looking at your everyday life, needs and wants and asking yourself, ‘how can I continue to function normally and with little stress in an emergency or disaster?’

Give yourself the best advantage possible by getting and staying prepared!

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Morgan writes for OutdoorHub while also being the founder of Rogue Preparedness where she helps people get prepared for emergencies and disasters, as well as thrive any circumstances.

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